There he goes... just look at him. Isn't he magnificent?
The star of the show - cheetah Majani, one of the largest cheetahs in captivity. He made two runs that day, and the rest of the time was catching his breath.
Just for sake of comparison, they then brought out a serval, and explained to those who didn't know, that it's not a baby cheetah, but a fully grown wild cat. Cheetahs run - servals jump. They jump so well, they are nicknamed "the trampoline cat". And they are cute.
Cheetah is the fastest land animal - what about fastest, period? Voila, peregrine falcon. He dove after his bait so fast, we thought he is gonna make a hole in the ground.
Other animals at the Park weren't doing much... also, by late morning it got pretty hot. So, they were just snoozing.
Or checking us out.
Naturally, I got plenty more pictures... let's hope I can find time to edit them sometime soon.
Cute kitty.